Post- Field Days Excursion
As there are many areas of interest in Brno, we offer you visit some of them one days after the Field days in September 14th 2017:
Mendel muzeum
Villa Tugendhat
Botanical garden of Mendel University
8.30 - 11.00: guided excursion at Botanical garden and arboretum of Mendel university, established in 1938, present area c. 11 ha. Large collection of trees, shrubs, ornamental and agricultural plants, collection orchids in glasshouses (over 1000 species and hybrids), medical plants, biotopes (mountain, highland, steppe, peatland etc.).
11.15 - 12.15: Lunch
12.30 - 13.30: guided excursion to Vila Tugendhat (fee 300 CZK, c. 12 EUR)
For those interested in Mendel museum where original patches for peas trials and many manuscripts and other information on the genetics founder are presented. The Mendel museum is situated c. 15 minutes by trolley-bus from Mendel University campus. The guided visits have to be booked at least 4 days in advance. All exhibits are described in Czech/English/German languages.